We have really enjoyed our first term in 4th class. The children have had a fantastic lead up to Christmas with some fantastic events in school. The following photos are a snapshot of some of our fun!! Roll on Term 2!
Photo 1: Elevate Credit Union sent us fantastic lessons about how to use our money wisely. We even did a budget for our own school tour!
Photo 2: We had a small bit of snow in Passage West so we got out and took advantage of it!!
Photo 3: Parent's Assocation kept us warm with some hot chocolate and biscuits. Yum!
Photo 4: Santa visited our school. We went to the Grotto and told him all our news.
Photo 5: St Peter's kindly invited us to their school to watch their play 'Sister Act'. We really enjoyed it and got to see their school hall!
Photo 6: Happy 2025 from 4th class!!