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September & October


We have had a great start to our first term in 4th Class; learning lots of new topics and skills, collaborating with our peers and having fun in the process. Here are a few things we got up to this half term: 


We had lots of questions at the beginning of the year for our literary and sporting heroes, so we decided to write to them. We learned how best to construct and write an informal letter, and we created our own personalised letters to send in the post. We are waiting hopefully to see if we get a reply (or 2, or 3)! 


We had lots of fun during Maths Week with games and challenges that really made us think outside the box. We were tasked with solving some geometric challenges, we engaged in a Roald Dahl inspired maths trail and we collaborated with our buddy class, Senior Infants, to play some maths games and share in the fun of encountering maths in our everyday lives.  


We delved into the world of Ancient Egypt and learned lots of interesting facts about life at that time. Focusing our attention closer to home, we also explored the Book of Durrow and the Book of Kells which really impressed us in terms of their detail and artistry. We even noticed some excerpts from the Book of Kells displayed around our school. 


We tapped into our artistic side this half term and created wonderful pieces of art through painting, drawing, shading and scratching through scratch art. We also warmed up our vocal cords and prepared a haunting chorus which we performed at our Halloween assembly. We sounded spooktacular! To top it off, we were dressed up in our frightfully creative Halloween costumes.


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