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Tús maith leath na hoibre!


6th class hit the ground running this September.

We zoned in on Space - the solar system and the astronomers who helped to build our understanding of the universe. We researched Roman Planetary Gods and their myths, creating fact files, poems and storyboards. One group even composed a song ! We linked the theme of space to our art, pupils created fun, self portraits of themselves falling backwards into space using the tricky skill of foreshortening.

In English, we examined the fascinating life of Malala Yousafzai and her fight to uphold Article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.

To prepare for our school open night, the 6th class put on their gloves and carried out an extensive litter pick around the school grounds and surrounding areas. They were a vital part of the open night team helping to welcome prospective parents and show them around our wonderful school. We are very proud of our pupils, well done 6th class, its shaping up to be a great year!!

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